We sought to teach our children

10 lessons we sought to teach our children

We are the first teachers of our children. Before they learn technical things we infuse in them certain core values and lessons of life. Our children will always need these lessons to fight out so many battles, to understand the difference between the right and the wrong. Sometimes we are very easy, sometimes we are very stern, but yes ultimately we want our children to live a rightful and happy life. These are the most important lessons that we need to teach our children

1. Respect and believe in the almighty

someone is up there, watching at us and taking care of us. We should teach our children that god exists and they should respect and love him.

2. Be compassionate

our children should have compassion for the poor and the needy. They should help them as far as possible. Poor and helpless people need a little bit of love and compassion, our children should provide them their need.

3. Motivate and not manipulate

our children should be able to motivate the distressed and not to manipulate them. They need to see the right path and our children should be there light.

4. Handling failures

our children should understand that failures are going to be part of life. Only winning is not possible, when you win somebody else might lose and sometimes you can be that somebody.

5. Friendship is very important

they should appreciate and understand friendship; it’s very difficult to find true friends. Our children should know “a friend in need is a friend indeed”.

6. Keep your commitment

commitments are priceless; our children should keep up with their promises. Breaking somebody’s trust is the worst possible thing to do.

7. Believe in giving and not in taking

they should know that giving is always more important than taking. It always matter how much you serve and give and not how much you take.

8. Learning the art of making good decisions

if you are not taking good decisions in life, then life will become very stressful and full of guilt. We should make our children capable enough to take good decisions in life

9. Truth and non-violence

our children should always speak the truth, no matter how bitter it is. They should also believe in Gandhi’s non-violence concept. Do not hurt others- by your words, deeds or actions.

10. Never be jealous and hate others

the bag of hatred and jealousy is very heavy, teaching our children to drop these bags will help them what to expect from life and how to react in certain difficult situations. Remember, life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it.

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